Curb appeal is powerful —amounting to as much as 11% of the value of your home! Even if you have no intention of selling your home any time soon, pictures on Google street view may even deter people from visiting your home if you don’t have curb appeal from the start.
Instead of paying for weekly lawn care services many homeowners have invested in lawn care equipment of their own. Not that a lawn maintenance service is a bad thing, but it’s a business after all.
So how can you keep your lawn looking great and add to your curb appeal? What kind of lawn maintenance equipment will you need?
Keep reading for our top five lawn equipment picks!
Table of Contents
1. Leaf Blower
While we don’t expect you to go out and buy a commercial leaf blower right away, it isn’t always a bad idea. Depending on the size of your property, it might be wise.
If you have more than the average lot size of one-fifth of an acre (just under 9000 square feet) it’s worth looking into. It’s definitely worth it if your lot size is approaching an acre.
Raking is fun and you’ll need a rake for some things, but leaf blowers will take the sore back out of every Autumn and Summer.
2. Lawnmower
Lawnmowers are an essential part of your grass’s health.
Riding lawnmowers aren’t required unless the lot size is enormous or you’re doing a lot of area at once. You may see the local lawn care companies using riding lawnmowers, but fear not, you don’t need to invest in one.
There are many options for lawnmowers that are self-propelled. Gone are the days of pushing the heavy lawnmower around. Now your greatest concern is making sure not to cut too often or too low.
3. Edger or Trimmer
An edger or trimmer is one of the best tools to get a nice, straight line by sidewalks, driveways, and paths. It makes the work you do on your lawn look professional and clean.
String trimmers (also called “weed-whackers”) have a lot less weight and bulk than a metal-bladed edger or trimmer. The best lawn care service businesses will have a few workers with these, cleaning up behind the mowers.
4. Seed or Fertilizer spreader
Lawn care isn’t complete without reseeding and spreading fertilizer. Spreading seed by hand isn’t efficient and gets spotty results. Likewise, spreading fertilizer by hand could lead to areas that are over-fertilized, burning the grass.
That leads to bald patches and goes completely opposite to the curb appeal we’re trying to make.
5. Rain Barrel or Other Access to Water
Rain barrels have been in use for thousands of years for several reasons. They reduce local runoff and erosion. They also give plentiful amounts of fresh water when it’s needed, rather than all at once during a storm.
If you don’t have a good place to get a rain barrel set up to collect roof runoff, don’t fear. You can always set up a sprinkler system, although it costs a bit to get installed and to maintain.
The Top Five Lawn Care Tools
Lawn care doesn’t have to take all your time or money. Instead of a lawn maintenance service, consider taking the responsibility on by yourself. It’s relaxing and a good, fulfilling hobby.
Keep browsing our articles to learn more about what you should and shouldn’t do to keep your home value up and lawn healthy.