Do You Need Gutters On Second Story?

Do You Need Gutters On Second Story?
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: December 15, 2021
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

Choosing where to place your gutter system can be difficult if your home has multiple floors or a distinctive roofing design. It’s beneficial to understand how gutters work and why they’re necessary.

Rain gutters collect rainwater from the edge of your roof and guide it to a drain. This is especially useful in areas with frequent thunderstorms or poor weather.

Gutter systems should be installed on both sides of your home’s roof edge, but gutter installation is not a one-size-fits-all process. This is why professional installation is recommended.

A few things to know about gutters might help you figure out where your gutter system should go. We’ll discuss all details about gutters in the second story in this post. So, continue reading:

What Are The Suitable Points To Add The Gutters?

Make sure to install the gutter system on the top of your home, on the main roof. It is essential to collect all the rainwater efficiently and without damage to your home. In this way, you can direct the rainwater downspout from the highest points.

Gutters should be built along the roof’s edge on both sides of your home. Rainwater will collect near your foundation since it will not avoid the gutters. Downspouts are water drainpipes that connect your gutters to the ground. To allow runoff to flow out the bottom end, they are usually constructed at a steep angle at a house corner.

The downspout is correctly positioned to deflect water runoff away from the foundation. Water that remains near your home’s foundation can seep into the soil, destroying landscaping and causing damage to your home’s structure.

A Few Things You Need To Know About Gutters

To begin with, a gutter system is not required for all properties. It might not be necessary if you live in a dry area without times of significant rain.

However, most homes require a reliable rain gutter system to collect stormwater that falls on the roof and send it away from the house to preserve the structure of your property as well as your foundation, driveway, and sidewalk from pooling water on the sides of your home.

The Importance Of Gutters

Rain gutters not only safeguard your roof and home’s general structure but also minimize soil erosion and protect your garden beds.

Rain will just flow off your roof without rain gutters, washing soil away each time it rains, creating soil erosion. If you have garden beds adjacent to your house, soil erosion will cause water to pool and drown your plants and flowers.

Erosion of the soil is a severe issue. It can also create foundation settlement, resulting in uneven floors, fractured walls, and chimney cracks. If your basement floods frequently and your home’s exterior is deteriorating, it’s possible that you don’t have gutters and should or that your gutters are blocked or broken.

Maintain The gutters Appropriately

It’s also crucial to keep your rain gutters in good shape. It would help keep the gutters and downspouts clean of leaves and debris for them to function correctly, which requires frequent maintenance. You may either climb the ladder or clean your gutters yourself, or you can call a professional gutter cleaning service to do it for you.

Cleaning your gutters at least twice a year is a good rule of thumb, but more often, if you have many trees hanging over your property or live in a storm-prone location.

Hiring a professional cleaning company is the best option if you’re worried about getting up and down the ladder safely. Use a strong ladder and avoid standing on the top two rungs if you’re doing it yourself.

In addition to focusing on the gutters, use the leaf blower to blow any leaves off the roof. So, it doesn’t all end up in the gutters the next time it rains.

When You Don’t Need To Add Gutters Around Your Home?

You usually don’t need gutters around your property unless your roof slopes in all directions. They are, however, required at the bottom of any slope.

If your roof slopes in two ways, toward the front and back of the house, with a peak in the middle, you won’t need gutters on the sides, but you will need them in the front and back. Your roof is already designed to guide water down the slopes, which gutters will collect.

You may be fine without gutters if you live somewhere with very little rainfall or if your home is surrounded by concrete, which protects the foundation.

If your landscaping slopes downward or you have a large roof overhang, you might be able to get away without it, but if you have any of those conditions, it’s better to consult an expert before making your decision.


Above all, there are no laws that mandate the installation of gutters on new construction. Depending on where you live and the type of construction, guttering may be nothing more than an added expense and maintenance project for you.

On the other hand, adding and maintaining gutters is often one of the wisest, if not the most glamorous, decisions you can make for your home. If you will install a new rain gutter or want to maintain already existing, you can get the complete guidelines from discussed points.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.


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