Can You Paint A Plastic Shed

Can You Paint A Plastic Shed
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: October 15, 2022
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

A plastic shed is a common option for homeowners who want some outside storage but don’t have the money or time for a timber or concrete structure. Plastic shelters are much simpler to put together than their heavier equivalents.

There is something for everyone’s wants and preferences because they are available in various sizes and colors. Although these sheds can serve you for a long time, you might decide that their appearance needs to be changed.

Using paint is among the most straightforward and convenient ways to accomplish this. Your preference, needs, available space, and financial situation will determine whether a plastic shed is right for you. However, we’ll make an effort to assist you in doing so.

Things To Consider Before Painting A Plastic Shed

It is not easy to stick to plastic because it is not porous like wood. You can paint your plastic storage shed like an expert if you do the necessary planning.

You can stain your plastic shed before painting it if you want the paint to adhere to the plastic more effectively and endure the test of time by simulating the pores on wood to create areas for your paint to sink into for a longer life span.

Indeed, you can! Though you are legally free to choose any paint color, if you want your paintwork to last, you should select paints and primers designed especially for plastic sheds.

Despite what the plastic manufacturer claims, these tips and tactics will have you painting your plastic shed like an expert. If you are willing to take a chance, you can create the plastic shed of your dreams.

Steps To Paint A Plastic Shed

Gather these supplies and follow our simple instructions to update your old plastic shed. Some of these items might already be in your home.

Use A Sandpaper To Sand Down Shed

To prepare surfaces for painting, you must first sand them down using fine-grain sandpaper. Plastic is typically incredibly smooth, which explains this. It could be much easier for the paint to fall off if you paint over it without first abrading it, and you might need to repaint your shed more.

Sanding first gives the primer and paint on your plastic shed a rougher surface to adhere to, increasing the likelihood that your paint job will last much longer. Remember that larger scratches result from sandpaper with coarser grain sizes.

Having a rough and scratchy plastic shed is not necessary. Improved paint adhesion only requires a small amount of fine sanding.

Clean Your Shed

The next step is to rinse your shed using a power washer, hose, or perhaps just a pail of water. This will create a clean surface for painting by washing away any debris and dust that may have remained after the sanding procedure.

A pressure washer is recommended for this process since its additional force ensures that most of the dirt and plastic debris is removed, leaving a nearly pristine surface ready for painting.

Cover Shed’s Floor

Use a sheet or tape to cover any shed portions you don’t want to paint once your shed has been cleaned and dried. Although this step is technically optional, it is important to complete it properly if you want your paintwork to look polished and expert.

It can be very regrettable, so ensure you properly cover the shed’s parts that you don’t want to be painted.

Prime The Area Before Painting

Utilizing your roller, apply primer to large surfaces after covering any areas you don’t want to be painted. When working on smaller surfaces and corners, you can switch to a brush for finer control.

A primer will be required for this painting endeavor because it is specially created to improve the paint’s adhesion to surfaces. Additionally, it prolongs the life of your paint and shields it against cracks and chips.

Additionally, as primers are frequently tinted with white, it is helpful if you plan to paint your shed a color other than its original. It would be possible to conceal the original color using a primer.

Start Painting Your Sheds

You prepare your paintbrushes and rollers for use with your paint; make sure to wash them while your primer dries. It would still appear the same if you used other brushes instead of washing them.

Use your paint rollers to cover bigger areas, just like the priming you applied earlier, and then transition to your paintbrush for finer, more exact strokes. Market vendors offer a wide variety of primers and paints. Without sufficient research, purchasing paints can be quite difficult.

It can be somewhat perplexing with the sheer number of colors and formulas available. If you’re unsure what paint would be ideal for your needs, don’t be afraid to approach a shop staff member for guidance.


Is a plastic shed paintable? Was the topic of this article. Painting plastic materials require much work, as you can see. Even though the plastic makers warn that your paint might not hold up to the elements, you can still paint a plastic shed.

While some preparation and hard work may be required before painting your plastic shed, the procedure is extremely easy and uncomplicated. You can easily complete any painting project if you remember the fundamental guidelines and underlying concepts.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.