Can You Put A New Roof Over An Asbestos Roof

Can You Put A New Roof Over An Asbestos Roof
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: February 6, 2022
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

Asbestos comprises microscopic mineral fibers that cause serious respiratory sickness and cancer when inhaled into the lungs. Asbestos in your home, especially on your roof, isn’t always bad. If the material is in good condition and not disturbed, asbestos fibers incorporated in cement roofing reduce the health risk.

Asbestos Roof Sheeting was formerly a prominent and cost-effective roofing material used worldwide. Asbestos roofs are sturdy, long-lasting, and provide excellent insulation.

Because asbestos fibers made cement roof sheets more durable, waterproof and fireproof, the construction industry first thought they were a far safer material than wood or steel.

You can put a new roof over an asbestos roof with an overcladding method. Overcladding encases an old, deteriorated roofing structure with new, modern materials to make it weatherproof and energy-efficient.

Choosing metal roofing over-cladding as a roofing system has several advantages that can improve the appearance of your commercial or industrial building.

Why Do You Need To Replace An Asbestos Roof?

Your safety, health, and family should come first if your roof leaks. That should urge you to have your roof replaced. If the roof is in good condition, weigh the expenditures against the risk of future difficulties. Although there are methods for controlling asbestos, you must ultimately determine what is best for you and your family.

The Location And Structure Of Asbestos Roof.

If you want to sell your home, you should also consider the cost of replacing the roof. You might put off potential purchasers. A new roof may be the finest option for increasing the value of your property. It is not known that asbestos is hazardous.

But, when it is disturbed, the fibers become friable and, if inhaled, can cause health issues. With time, most asbestos roofing becomes extremely fragile, and if removal and disposal efforts are done, several fibers become airborne.

Moreover, asbestos removal entails high expenditures and poses possible health dangers when disposed of asbestos shingles in landfills.

The Location And Structure Of Asbestos Roof

Professional Inspection Is Essential To Detect The Asbestos

Most commercial and industrial buildings contain tons of asbestos products and materials. Asbestos was banned globally due to the dangers of mining, manufacturing, and construction with this material.

This means replacing broken asbestos sheeting with new is no longer possible. Repairing and maintaining asbestos roofs is subject to stringent guidelines to avoid occupational asbestos exposure and contamination.

This is the case because asbestos cement sheets can offer a serious health risk to employees and the environment during installation and cleaning.

Professional Inspection Is Essential To Detect The Asbestos

Simply by looking at it, it can be difficult to tell whether or not your roof contains asbestos. It is not to be touched or disturbed in any way. A professional inspection is required for the roof. An experienced asbestos contractor can assess the situation and recommend an action plan.

If the roof is in good condition, you may be able to fix it rather than replace it. The health risk will be reduced if the asbestos shingles may be left in place and handled as little as possible. The EPA is aware of this problem and would normally like to have asbestos shingles mended or covered rather than taken off and disposed of.

How To Replace Or Remove The Asbestos?

 Remove The Asbestos

Asbestos roofing can be removed with ease and in a safe manner. Seal or cover any asbestos-containing materials first. This traps the fibers, preventing them from escaping into the atmosphere.

Sealing involves applying a sealer to the material that binds or coats the asbestos fibers. Cover the material with a protective wrap or jacket to prevent the escape of asbestos fibers.

This task should only be done by someone trained to handle asbestos properly. Removing the roof before replacing it after being confined by sealing or covering is now safe.

Wet Down The Each Piece Of Asbestos Carefully

 Wet Down The Each Piece Of Asbestos Carefully.

Roofers first damp down each piece of asbestos roof material before removing it. The material is then bagged and carried off the roof by roofers. This is to ensure that no fibers escape. After removing the old roof, the roofing contractor can install a new asphalt shingle roof on your home.

Asbestos has advantages, but it also has drawbacks. It’s always advisable to get expert assistance and counsel to examine, appraise, and gather the knowledge you need to make an informed decision.

Hire Licensed Professionals To Remove Asbestos

Labeling asbestos removal as licensed or non-licensed is one way to reduce its danger. A license is not required due to the minimal associated dangers. However, there is still a need for training for non-licensed professionals.

 Hire Licensed Professionals To Remove Asbestos.

Asbestos, unfortunately, releases dangerous fibers when disturbed and can be harmful if inhaled. Asbestos-containing products, such as roofs, maybe overclad in some cases. Additional weight is provided to a structure by overcladding a roof.

This would necessitate structural calculations by an engineer to ensure that the structure can support the increased weight.

Finally, as the structure’s height rises, you may need to get planning permission from your local government before beginning any construction.

What Does Happen If You Don’t Remove The Asbestos?

These cement-encased asbestos products deteriorate with time and exposure to the elements, revealing the asbestos fibers buried in the cement. Mould also uses the deteriorated cement surface, exposing the interior asbestos fibers.

 These cement-encased asbestos products deteriorate

Asbestos sheets lose their insulating characteristics when the surface deteriorates, causing roof cavity temperatures to rise.

The deterioration of asbestos roof sheets may require property owners to contemplate asbestos roof sheet replacement in the coming years. Replacement, on the other hand, should not be your sole option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it a good decision to overlay an asbestos roof?

By drilling into the existing roof to install more cladding, there is a chance that the asbestos will be disturbed. Possibly harming you and anybody nearby. The structure will get heavier if a roof is overclad.

Is it a good option to buy a house with an asbestos roof?

No! Compared to other daily risks, the long-term risks of residing in a home with asbestos products are incredibly low. Understanding that the air we breathe while going about our regular lives contains extremely small amounts of asbestos is crucial.

Is asbestos roofing dangerous?

Yes! Asbestos roofing can be harmful when asbestos roofing is relocated or otherwise disturbed. Asbestos’s minute particles can easily be inhaled while airborne, where they can lodge in the lungs and cause sickness.


A high regulatory compliance cost is connected with the safe removal and disposal of asbestos roof sheets and the high capital cost of replacing asbestos roofing sheets.  This prolongs the asbestos roofing’s life and avoids sheeting renewal. The entire cost of encapsulation is significantly cheaper than that of replacement.

Several metal roof materials are perfect for installation over asbestos shingles because of their lightweight composition. But occasionally, overhanging shingles must be trimmed back and removed unless flashings can be created and firmly fastened to accommodate the existing shingles.

Asbestos shingles should be installed with test nails beforehand to determine how badly they will crack. In the case of encapsulation, you don’t need to replace or remove the asbestos. Encapsulation can keep it safe and prevent it from deteriorating.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.


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