Many love burning candles, whether to unwind after a long day, enjoy the fragrance, or opt for more subtle lighting. The soot from those candles, though, can quickly damper your relaxation.
The wax used to make candle wicks contains carbon as a necessary element. Under certain conditions, the carbon will get released as the wick burns, interacting with the moisture in the air. The resulting steam can leave black soot on your walls and ceilings when this occurs.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent this chemical reaction.
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Reduce Drafts in Your Home When Burning a Candle
If burning a candle in your home has left soot behind on your walls or ceiling, hiring a professional cleaning service can help remove that dark film from those surfaces. One way to prevent this from recurring is by eliminating drafts in your home when you light a candle.
A steady flame will burn evenly and cleanly. When there’s a draft that’s causing the flame to flicker, it won’t burn as hot. This causes the wick to draw more oil up to the tip, which gets burned by a smaller flame. The resulting soot will get carried up with the heat, coating nearby surfaces.
Avoid the Use of Scented Candles
While scented candles may smell nice, using them can significantly increase the likelihood that candle soot will coat your walls and ceiling. A company specializing in fire damage remediation can help you remove heavy soot from your ceiling and other surfaces. Still, it’s better to avoid the use of scented candles indoors.
These soot risks are higher for scented candles because adding a fragrance to the candle requires using unsaturated hydrocarbons. These compounds remain liquid at moderate temperatures, keeping the wax softer.
Since soft wax burns faster, it also burns cooler. As a result of this process, the burning process can increase the amount of soot that’s released into the air.
Trim the Candle’s Wick
You might have to find ways to remove candle soot from walls if you burn a wick with more than ¼ of an inch exposed. That’s because a taller wick leaves excess wax that the flame can’t completely consume. Keeping a shorter wick will ensure the flame burns more evenly.
If the wick is under ¼ of an inch and you notice black smoke rising from the flame, extinguish the candle, and trim the wick a little more. It’s also a good idea to trim the tip off of a wick that has been previously used.
Keep Your Candles Isolated
It’s common to place a candle near a wall or in the corner of a room. But if the candle burns unevenly and produces soot, the surrounding surfaces will get coated with the soot. You can avoid this by placing a burning candle in the center of a room.
In particular, avoid placing the candle near rough surfaces, such as stucco or brick. These surfaces will be harder to clean without the help of a specialty cleaning service.
Avoid Buying Candles with Lead-Infused Wicks
Before 1974, lead was commonly used in candle wicks. Since then, many candle companies have voluntarily eliminated the use of lead in their wicks, and the Environmental Protection Agency has limited the use of lead in candles. As a lead-infused wick burns, the heat will cause the release of soot and metal particles into the air. Some companies still use a small amount of lead in their wicks.
You can tell if a candle wick contains lead before you buy the candle. Rub a piece of white paper on the tip of a new wick. If the wick leaves a gray mark behind on the paper, the wax in the wick contains lead. The wax is lead-free if the wick doesn’t leave a mark on the paper.
Don’t Move a Burning Candle
Finally, avoid moving a lit candle. Even if the room seems free of drafts, the rush of oxygen as you move the candle will cause the flame to flicker. The result is a flame that’s burning cooler and releasing soot. If you must move the candle, extinguish the flame first. You can light the candle again once you place it in the new location.
Stay Alert to Soot in Your Home
By preventing candle soot from accumulating in your home, you can enjoy your candles without dealing with the soot buildup after. Staying alert to the possibility of soot can help you catch the problem earlier. If you do notice any soot in your home, a professional can help you effectively remove them.