How To Add A Duct To HVAC

A professional man is adding duct to HVAC in a building
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: October 29, 2022
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

The installation of return ducts can be carried out without professional assistance, though it is always recommended. However, return air vent installation calls for technical expertise. Numerous homeowners work to increase the energy efficiency of their residences.

A return air duct is one of the finest ways to build an energy-efficient home. The installation of ducting in an older house is simpler than you may imagine. Additionally, upgrading to a new central air conditioning system is worth considering.

The state of technology has changed over time. With devices like smart thermostats, modern HVAC systems are more convenient, less noisy, and more energy-efficient.

Steps To Add A Duct To HVAC

A significant investment in your home is required to install ductwork and central air conditioning. Because of the expense or worries about how it may impact an older property, you may be reluctant to update your outdated system.

However, installing a central air system in an older home can pay off in terms of increased comfort if done correctly. Your breathing will be improved. In addition, they use less energy. Your electric bill will be reduced as a result of this.

Choose A Professional Contractor To Buy HVAC Equipment

There is never a bad time to hire an HVAC contractor. To do the job successfully, get a professional with the necessary HVAC tools. In particular, if you don’t want an HVAC system to ruin or alter the character of an older property.

To maximize their profit on work, some unethical people would take shortcuts. Therefore, it’s critical to conduct some research before selecting a contractor. Select only a licensed contractor who can attest to having HVAC professionals on staff.

Next, confirm that they provide a labor guarantee and a warranty on components and equipment. This covers any potential issues that might develop following the installation. Finally, if significant changes are required to replace outdated window air conditioners, contact a contractor knowledgeable about the city building permits to submit.

HVAC contractors must adhere to city building codes if any electrical work is being done.

Evaluate Your Home

They will evaluate your home once you’ve decided on a contractor. To determine the details of the job, the contractor will evaluate the house’s structure. The contractor will also evaluate the home’s insulation.

If the insulation in your home is inadequate, the cool or warm air produced by your HVAC system will escape to the outside and will also be able to enter the home. The HVAC system works nonstop to make up for the resulting temperature variations.

Before installing the HVAC system, your contractor might advise sealing all air leaks to avoid this. After installation, you also require routine duct cleaning. A qualified contractor will then perform the load calculation.

This is how the HVAC contractor determines the building’s heating and cooling requirements so that the correct size HVAC unit can be installed. An improperly sized or sized unit will not adequately heat or cool the house.

The next step is crucial, where flexible ducts might perform better than the technician can also determine sheet metal ducts. To install the system efficiently, ensure that the contractor uses the proper size.

It would help if you had a piece of equipment that could handle your heating and cooling requirements.

Install HAV Duct

A duct system to distribute conditioned air is missing from some older residences. According to an HVAC professional, new ducting will need to be installed. Ductwork replacement is also advantageous for homes with old, leaky ducts.

The largest problem with installing new ductwork is that it sometimes needs more room. Large central air conditioning systems were not intended for usage in older homes. The technician will often install the indoor unit in the basement or attic. The ducting then connect the unit to the remainder of the house.

Installing an AC unit and adding ducting should be reasonably simple for your contractor if your home has enough space. However, be ready for disruptions. It takes many more days to complete the operation, and installing a new duct system is labor-intensive.

It will take more time to install if your house has two stories.

Replace Old Wiring With New

Before beginning to build a new HVAC system, your HVAC contractor should inspect the electrical system. The project will cost more and take longer due to this additional step in the process. Sixty amps are insufficient today because of the large number of modern appliances and electronics plugged into electrical outlets.

It is dangerous to overload an electrical circuit. This is considerably more of a risk if the wiring in your home is still metal. Wiring made of aluminum is prone to overheating and fire. It’s time to swap it out for copper wire, which can better handle the heat.


If selecting high-quality HVAC equipment results in a positive return on investment in terms of overall comfort and cleaner air, it is worth the extra cost. To maintain them, all you need to do is have the air ducts cleaned periodically.

Adding a modern central air conditioning system to an older house will improve comfort and increase its value. An older home’s heating and cooling system may appear difficult to upgrade. Of course, the procedure is a little trickier than for houses that already have the framework for a new central air conditioner.

But a qualified contractor will complete the work efficiently—with little interference or harm to your house.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.