How to Fix Your Ceiling Fan

A man is fixing a fan in the ceiling of a room
  • Author: Mohsin Khan
  • Posted On: October 27, 2022
  • Updated On: September 2, 2023

People living in hot regions now have access to affordable devices that contribute to our daily lives. Keeping our bodies and environment cool is paramount to our overall comfort. The cheapest way is to purchase different electric fans.

One famous electric fan is the ceiling fan. The only drawback of ceiling fans is their static installation. We cannot easily reach or relocate ceiling fans since they are attached to the ceilings above our heads. Furthermore, ceiling fans are a challenging appliance to maintain.

This article will show you typical problems you might encounter with your favorite ceiling fan.

Typical Problems with your Ceiling Fan

Similar to other electric fans, the ceiling fan model has many applications. From classrooms, offices, dining rooms, and even our bedrooms – ceiling fans give us a continuous supply of cool air.

Unbeknownst to many, electric fans cool your entire room by sucking some air with their rotating blades and redirecting most of the hot air in various directions. However, it depends on where you install an electric fan inside a room.

But what problems can you encounter while enjoying the benefits of using a ceiling fan?

Noisy or Humming Ceiling Fan

Most ceiling fan models will develop or feature some noise issues. In some cases, your ceiling fan might not be malfunctioning at all. Your fan’s main engine, screws, and gears for rotating will produce a sound since it is statically suspended.

A noisy ceiling fan can occur from different sources. An older ceiling fan might require you to check its internal components since it might need additional oil and lubricants. Also, ensure to clean your fan blades and their internal parts for dirt, dust, and clutter.

Vibrating Ceiling Fan

A vibrating ceiling fan typically happens after disassembly and reassembly. A ceiling fan making a knocking sound means that some of its parts are improperly attached, causing its entire structure to wobble. Aside from that, one or more of your blades might have hit an insect or accumulated a dust layer making the airflow unstable. Solving your ceiling fan’s vibration problem requires you to disassemble and check each part for damages.

Wobbling Ceiling Fan

Your ceiling fan will begin to wobble if its blades experience disbalance. To properly rotate in a stable motion, your blades require counterweights to maintain their balance while turning. The hint you should follow is measuring the distance of each edge from the other. If one or more blades are amiss, it is best to check the installation of your ceiling fan rods and attachments.

Running Slow

A ceiling fan might begin running slow when some of its blades cannot process air. Another sign is when your fan emits a burning smell. It means that your ceiling fan motor is starting to malfunction. A dysfunctional electric motor will stop working along with the blades of your ceiling fan. Typically, ceiling fan electric motors will burn out if they receive large amounts of voltage.

Malfunctioning Remote Control

Numerous home appliances now have a remote control for easy activation. It is similar to ceiling fans since you cannot reach their assembly. A typical problem with ceiling fans is a malfunctioning remote control. Fortunately, your remote control might not work if its battery cells are drained of power. Another problem with remote controls is damaged internal components.

Flickering Lights

Modern ceiling fan models come with home-friendly attachments such as light fixtures. LEDs are the famous light attachments to new ceiling fan models. Ceiling fan LEDs help you save more money while being energy efficient. When your ceiling fan light begins to flicker, your built-in limiter’s main problem can occur. As a solution, you have to contact the vendor or call a professional technician specializing in ceiling fans.

The ceiling Fan Stopped Working.

Typically, your ceiling fan will not work if you have a blackout. However, if your ceiling fan stops working even if you have electricity: the problem can come from an electrical problem, mechanical, or damaged capacitor. We recommend pulling the power plug of your ceiling fan before attempting to remove its attachment. It is best to contact an electrician to troubleshoot its problems.


Popular with people living in dry or hot regions, ceiling fans provide us with cool air wherever they are installed. Ceiling fans enjoy many applications, such as classrooms, offices, and even inside our homes. If you don’t have the proper training to fix or troubleshoot a ceiling fan, we recommend detaching its power source and calling an electrician to fix its malfunctions.

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Author: Mohsin Khan

Mohsin has worked as one of the experienced editors with ConstructionHow since 2020 with a total span of 5 years of experience in business PR, boasting a remarkable professional trajectory, he has collaborated with entrepreneurs and startups, and certain publications over the last few years. His unwavering interest lies in the construction industry and related materials. He believes in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing buildings, and homes that fall under the right budget. With a wide range of experience in construction, he also tapped into DIY and home improvement projects based on his extensive set of knowledge in the industry.


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