How to know it’s time to change your mattress?

5 Tell-Tale Signs of When to Replace Your Mattress – What to Know | Sierra Mattress Company | Reno, NV
  • Author: Fazal Umer
  • Posted On: January 30, 2023
  • Updated On: January 30, 2023

You think of several other reasons for your incomplete sleep, when you can’t sleep well. But you hardly think about your mattress that can cause you discomfort at sleep, and it can be the fundamental reason for inadequate sleep. However, your eyes can ignore the signs to change the mattress, but your body can’t.

At some point your body will reflect that it isn’t getting proper sleep and support, and therefore it’s time to get the new mattress. Thus, below we have listed some signs that you must look for, if your mattress isn’t satisfying you anymore.

Waking up with pain

Waking Up with Back Pain: Causes and Tips for Relief | Sleep Foundation Many a times you wake up with pain in the morning, and every time you blame your sleeping position for the same. But if you observe continuous pain in your lower back and body muscles then it’s a sign that your existing mattress has stopped providing you with enough support.

When your mattress gets older, it fails to support your body postures while sleeping which results in aches and cricks. Thus, if you feel regular body aches, then it’s time to switch your mattress and get the new one. Moreover, there can be another possible reason for pain as well, that is sleeping on a wrong mattress.

If this is the case then change your existing mattress right away, no matter if you have purchased it recently, you can exchange or sell it to the vendor and can get the new one which is appropriate for your body design.

Lumpy or soft mattress

If you are using your mattress for over 6 or 7 years, you might experience that your mattress is losing its firmness, which means it is getting softer day by day, which isn’t a good sign.

Mattress experts don’t recommend to sleep on a soft mattress, as it is inefficient to support your body weight and as you sleep your body sinks into the mattress which causes pain.

Whereas, a firmer mattress doesn’t sink and supports your body well. Thus, if you observe lumpiness and softness in your mattress then it’s high time to switch it, as support is universal for all the mattresses.

Mattress is losing its shape

How to Fix a Sagging Mattress | Sleep Foundation

When you use your mattress for ages, it tends to lose its shape and alignment. You will observe that from one end it will shrink or will get thinner from middle portion. This is a sign that you are using your mattress beyond its expiry date which isn’t good.

Besides, if you are using a memory foam mattress brand or dependable mid century brands then you will notice that with time it will lose its compression and shape, resulting in sinking of the mid portion of your body.

Such scenarios clearly reflect that the alignment of your mattress is now disturbed and it’s time to go for a new one. Thus, if you think that you are going to bed without pain, but as you wake up you feel sudden aches, then your mattress needs a replacement.

Flaring up allergies

10 Common Allergic Reaction Symptoms, According to Doctors | SELF

If you are waking up sneezing and coughing every morning, then the possible sign for it might be the mattress under you. Many people don’t pay close attention to this and blame the season for their allergies. But if this is happening frequently then most probably it’s not just the season but your mattress.

When the mattress becomes older it starts to lose its material quality and it tends to catch bacteria and allergens quickly. Allergens like molds and dust mites catch your mattress and causes possible allergies or asthma.

Besides, if you are regularly cleaning and vacuuming your mattress and still it doesn’t show any improvement, then it’s time to give up on your existing mattress and go for a new one.

Difficulty in getting quality sleep

Sleep Disorders and Problems - The main purpose of the mattress is to promote quality sleep, so that you wake up in the morning well-rested. Besides, your mattress should be one thing for which you crave for to sleep. So, if it doesn’t the case anymore then it’s time to replace it.

There is no wonder that you will wake up tired every day, if your mattress has lost its support and comfort to the point that it is unable to provide you with quality sleep.

Moreover, if you are forced to find your comfortable sleeping position every night, then it’s another sign that your mattress is close to expiry. Switching your sleeping position often simply disrupts your sleep, which is a hindrance to quality sleep.


Mattress is one of the most ignored objects of your home, as you tend to replace each and every item timely, but when it comes to your mattress you just don’t pay enough attention. There are many reasons for changing your mattress but one reason remains at top which is comfort.

Comfort is the key objective of any mattress, and if at any point of time your mattress stops to provide you with the same then it’s time to say it a goodbye. Using a mattress for ages without change, can harm your physique resulting in constant pain.

Thus, it is essential to identity the signs and take the measures on time. An average life span of a mattress is generally from 6 to 8 years after which you must change it without fail.

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Author: Fazal Umer

Fazal is a dedicated industry expert in the field of civil engineering. As an Editor at ConstructionHow, he leverages his experience as a civil engineer to enrich the readers looking to learn a thing or two in detail in the respective field. Over the years he has provided written verdicts to publications and exhibited a deep-seated value in providing informative pieces on infrastructure, construction, and design.