How to Upgrade Your Plumbing System for Better Performance and Efficiency

How to Upgrade Your Plumbing System
  • Author: Fazal Umer
  • Posted On: August 15, 2023
  • Updated On: December 19, 2023

Perhaps the best invention of the modern age is indoor plumbing.  Most people would probably agree with that assessment. It stands to reason that so many of us prioritize the overall effectiveness and performance of our plumbing systems.  Unfortunately, there are a lot of things that can have negative impacts on that.  

Plumbing issues are not exactly uncommon, after all.  They are a pretty big deal and can result in all sorts of adverse effects in our day-to-day lives.  One of the main motivations for upgrading these systems is to prevent these types of issues.  

How can we actually accomplish that, though?  Well, some places online might tell you to try to DIY it.  Popular blogs and sites like this one,, can certainly be useful in some contexts, do not get us wrong.  However, when it comes to something as important as plumbing, which is probably something to leave up to the professionals.

Of course, that is easier said than done.  If you would like to learn more about some potential ways to upgrade your system, then you have come to the right place!  We will be explaining how the process works as well as how you can go about picking a plumber or service that will be able to help you achieve your goals.  

Plumbing Systems: The Basics

To start, let us cover some of the basics of plumbing systems.  For one thing, they are two separate ones known as subsystems.  One of these is how freshwater gets into the home, and then the other is what filters the “bad” stuff out of the home.  Something to keep in mind is the fact that most of the pipes and the like will utilize gravity to make their jobs smoother.

Why is that a big deal, though?  Well, it largely has to do with the construction of a plumbing network to begin with.  So, if an expert comes in and finds that things are poorly optimized, they can potentially help to fix those issues.  Still, that is somewhat putting the cart ahead of the horse.  

The other bit to remember here is that the main way that water gets transported through our houses is through pressure systems.  The water pressure is what allows it to move up to a second-floor bathroom, as just one example.  Typical homes have a meter that will measure the overall water usage and that pressure gauge, so it does not hurt to know where that is located if you intend to bring in a plumber to help you (whatever the reason for the visit).

Of course, this is not the only reason to be aware of where that meter is.  As you can see on pages like this one, usually the main pressure valve for home plumbing systems will be nearby.  This is what allows us to turn off the water to certain parts of the home but not others, so it can be quite handy if an emergency like a burst pipe happens to crop up.

The last thing that we would like to cover here in this section is that there are two main types of drainage options.  Those are septic and sewer.  On the off chance that you do not already know what your home runs on, you should probably check in on that.  Each comes with its own challenges, so your plumber should be made aware as soon as possible.

Upgrading a Plumbing System

Next, let us talk about how we can actually go about upgrading one of these systems!  There is a good chance you have already guessed some of it, but we will be sure to be thorough anyhow just in case.  The first method we will cover is re-piping, which we alluded to already in the previous section.

If your plumbing is not working at peak efficiency, you will probably notice.  It might be a toilet that has bad water pressure and needs to be fought with after each flush, a sink that barely turns on or takes forever to get warm or cold, or something similar to that.  These could be signs of multiple things, of course, but one could be that the pipes in your home are not utilizing gravity effectively to make the transport of water more efficient.

Additionally, it can be used when we need to have our current pipes replaced because they are too old or rusty.  Admittedly, it is not always easy to know what can help until we get a look at the system as it is.  When you notice performance issues, it is probably time to call in a professional.

Drain cleaning is another service that a company like Katy Plumber can help with if you end up needing it.  Sure, we can use at-home solutions to this, but it is not always going to be effective.  Sometimes, especially after a long winter or something like that, we just need a deeper clean than a store-bought cleaner can bring.

While we may not initially think of it, water heaters are another integral part of our plumbing system.  When they malfunction, it is a pretty big deal – it can mean that we do not have any running hot water in the home.  Obviously, this is a bit of a pain.  Upgrading your heater can help to prevent something like that, which probably sounds rather appealing.

Upgrading a Plumbing System

Finding a Plumber

Finally, let us delve into some of the ways that we can find a plumber capable of implementing these upgrades or repairs.  It is easier said than done, that is for sure!  One method that you could use is to just type in “plumber near me” into your search bar.

However, finding a good one takes a bit more effort than that.  Consider chatting with your friends or family members who have hired someone in your area and see what they have to say.  Getting reviews and opinions from them can certainly be helpful in finding a plumber that will suit your needs.

Of course, you can certainly still go to Google for some answers.  When you have specific problems that you know of, such as needing water heater repairs, re-piping, or any of the other things mentioned, you could include that in your search.  This will help you find an expert in the specific job that you need to do.

Most search engines will also show the rating of the companies that show in the results, based on what other clients or customers have said.  That can be rather helpful in sorting out what route you want to take, of course.  Really, the important thing is that you find someone that you can gel with and that you know can get the job done.

Often, plumbing is something that we overlook in our homes even though it is one of the most important systems inside.  Upgrading it can certainly go on the wayside, especially when we have the opportunity to make some flashier changes to our properties.  Hopefully, we have helped you to see why it may be something to prioritize sooner rather than later.  

At the end of the day, the more efficiently it runs, the less water that you will be using.  This can help to save some cash on your utility bills at the least, which is nothing to sniff at! 

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Author: Fazal Umer

Fazal is a dedicated industry expert in the field of civil engineering. As an Editor at ConstructionHow, he leverages his experience as a civil engineer to enrich the readers looking to learn a thing or two in detail in the respective field. Over the years he has provided written verdicts to publications and exhibited a deep-seated value in providing informative pieces on infrastructure, construction, and design.