HVAC Works In Construction

HVAC Works In Construction
  • Author: Mahtab Idrees
  • Posted On: July 3, 2020
  • Updated On: July 2, 2023

Heating, Ventilating, and Air-conditioning

  • Usually subcontracted out
  • Heating equipment
  • Cooling equipment
  • Thermostats
  • Ductwork
  • Diffusers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Fans
  • Insulation
  • Return air
  • Fresh air
  • Louvers
  • Associated piping
  • Associated wiring

Coordination Requirements

Underground utilities

Location, size, excavation by whom, from where?


Method of support, location, by whom, anchors, access for receiving and installing, size limitations


Wall sleeves, size limitations, in walls, under floors, floor sleeves, expansion compensators, access doors.


Sizes, support, access doors, drops, outlet sizes, outside air louvers.

Terminal equipment

Recesses for cabinet unit heater (CUH), size of radiation, method of concealing, fastenings.

Mechanical-electrical responsibility

Who is doing what?


Field or factory?


Work to be done? When required? Job to be completed on time-who, why, when?

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Author: Mahtab Idrees

Mahtab is all about lifestyle, home improvement, and interior decor trends. Her role as associate editor at ConstructionHow has helped her to offer genuine ideas, information, and intricate details about the special home editorial projects. As an interior designer by profession, she is solely focused on the latest trends and shares homeowner’s concerns as she also is a proud homeowner of two properties in mainstream locations.