How Often To Service HVAC?

How Often To Service HVAC?
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: October 22, 2021
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

We all turn to our air conditioning and heating systems when the weather becomes too hard to bear, and we need some relief. We also rely on HVAC systems to supply us with clean air to breathe.

No doubt, we rely on our HVAC systems to regulate our homes and other buildings’ temperature and ventilation. HVAC systems, like other systems, require regular maintenance to operate at peak efficiency.

How often do you have your HVAC system inspected by a professional? Professionals in heating, ventilation and air conditioning can help you stay comfortable while keeping your air clean and healthy. Consider this your how-to manual for keeping your system in good working order.

How often should a professional Kennesaw HVAC company inspect the units, ducts, and all of their components? The solution is given below.

What Is HVAC Maintenance?

Most heating and air conditioning companies provide this service. However, the quality of service may vary. Depending on the time of year, your HVAC expert will have a checklist of items to inspect, test, clean, and adjust on your cooling or heating equipment.

This level of maintenance goes beyond the basic activities you should perform on your own every few months, such as changing your air filter and making sure your outdoor unit is clear of debris.

The optimal time to schedule maintenance is before you need your system the most, as you would have anticipated. So, if we’re talking about your heating system, fall is the best time to schedule service. Spring is usually the finest season for your air conditioner.

HVAC technicians will be less likely to be out on the road due to emergency calls during these hours, allowing you to arrange maintenance at your convenience. However, how often you schedule your maintenance session is more essential than when you do it. Once a year, have your HVAC systems inspected by a professional.

How Often To Maintain Air Filters?

For information on how often to clean and replace air filters, most firms recommend consulting your HVAC manufacturer’s instructions. This is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your HVAC system is operating at peak efficiency, and it’s something you can do on your own.

A dirty, clogged filter forces your system to work harder, consuming more energy for a bad outcome, causing your energy bill to increase. Replace your air filters once a month as a general guideline.

What Does HVAC Maintenance Include?

You might now be wondering what happens when your air conditioner is serviced. A multitude of factors all contributes to the efficiency and longevity of your air conditioner.

Firstly, your AC technician will oil the parts in your air conditioner to ensure that they run as smoothly as possible. He will also clean parts to ensure that they are fully working.

Electricity and airflow will also be measured. If something is wrong, the AC technician will let you know. From the blower to the condenser to the ductwork, every aspect of the air conditioner will be examined. Professionals will also check the level of refrigerant during the yearly or quarterly maintenance services.

Benefits Of Getting The Yearly HVAC Services

While your HVAC unit may last several years without being maintained if you’re lucky, it’s critical to get it serviced at least once a year to extend the device’s life and effectiveness. To assist you in remembering to maintain your yearly servicing, we’ve come up with a few suggestions that you can use.

First and foremost, once you’ve completed your first service, make a note of when you’ll be doing it again next year. Most cell phones have a yearly calendar on them that you may use to schedule recurring appointments. This is an excellent approach to remind you to schedule your HVAC service year after year.

How To Save Some Cost On Electricity Bills?

If you want to lower or reduce your electricity bills, you have to follow the discusses points. In this way, you can also keep the HVAC system well-maintained for a long span. So, continue reading:

1) Clean HVAC All Units

It will work at its best as long as the space around it is kept clean and free of debris. When dust, trash, or furniture obstruct your vents, it restricts the airflow that your system requires to operate effectively.

2) Adjust The Temperature According To Each Season

You may save a lot of money and energy by adjusting your thermostat by five to eight degrees, down in the winter and up in the summer. When it comes to temperature, everyone has a comfort range.

Experiment with this range to find your optimal comfort and save money on temperature adjustments. Even a few degrees variation in the thermostat might make a difference in your bill.

Having heat-producing items near your thermostat will trick it into thinking your house is much warmer than it is, prompting it to start air conditioning your house more than it requires. This is a massive waste of resources, both in terms of energy and money.

3) Insulate The Duct Work

Ductwork is installed in every home. This is what distributes heated or cooled air around your home. You’re losing part of the cool or heat that your living rooms require if any of this ducting is left exposed and uninsulated.

Final Thoughts

Heating and cooling costs might account for more than half of your overall utility costs. As a result, central air conditioning is one of the most expensive forms of energy in your home. You are also kept safe by routine maintenance. This is especially true when it comes to gas-powered heating systems.

A damaged heat exchanger can cause serious issues, such as exposing you to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide gas and posing a fire hazard. As a result, if you follow the above eight recommendations for lowering your monthly power bill, you will be able to save enough money to begin performing your yearly HVAC maintenance.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.