How To Get Rid Of Black Worms In Bathroom?

How To Get Rid Of Black Worms In Bathroom?
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: November 22, 2021
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

Drain worms can be discovered in high-moisture regions and can lay eggs throughout the bathroom. You’ll need to use a multi-pronged approach to get rid of them. Moisture, warmth, and organic materials combine to provide the ideal habitat for larvae to thrive.

As a result, bacteria, mold, drain worms, and other insects are abundant in bathrooms. If you notice black worms in your bathroom drain, it’s time to clear it.

However, getting rid of black worms entails more than just pouring drain cleaner down the sink. Because harsh chemicals can harm your pipes, you should think about other options. This article will teach you all you need to know about black worms in your bathroom, including how to get rid of them and prevent them from returning.

Black Worms In The Shower: An Overview

 Black Worms In The Shower.

If you have noticed black worms in your sink or shower drains, you most likely have a drain fly infestation on your hands. Small black or brown flies called drain flies, referred to as filter flies or sewage flies, are drawn to standing water or an abundance of moisture.

The drain fly uses the stagnant water in the bathroom as a breeding site because it is attracted to organic waste. They can lay their eggs in the slime and sludge that builds up inside pipes. The worms may also be caused by mosquito or midge larvae, which can lay their eggs in areas with standing water, such as a clogged drain or a potted plant.

This is an alternative justification. The larvae may emerge and enter your shower if the water is contaminated with feces or other organic materials.

Things You Need To Know About Black Worms

Drain flies produce black worms as their progeny. They frequently appear in drains or fall from taps with a slimy residue. Blackworms can be found in water-rich areas such as your bathtub, shower, sink, and toilet bowl.

 Things You Need To Know About Black Worms

Drain flies and their larvae are most active at night, so you’ll see them creeping up from your bathroom drains.

It would help if you first comprehended why the worms are present before you can eliminate them. Those worms aren’t true worms at all. Drain fly larvae, which will grow into annoyance-inducing small fuzzy flies, are what they are. They’ve come to devour the moisture and organic matter in your bathroom.

Drain worms are not dangerous, even if they threaten your ability to take a bath without feeling squeaked. They don’t bite and transfer disease. They are a nuisance more than anything else. Drain worms, however, are not something you should put up with.

Why does Black Worms love To Live In Bathroom Drains?

 Black Worms love To Live In Bathroom Drains

Drain flies adore stagnant, shallow water, and filthy drains as places to gather and breed. Drain flies, sometimes known as moth flies, will breed in this stagnant water if it is even remotely close to a source of food, bacteria, or other organic waste.

Drain flies favour locations that have been abandoned for a while or are not typically used frequently. The basement or shop sinks in your home provide excellent drain fly breeding grounds if they aren’t used frequently. These tiny flying insects can even appear in relatively clean regions around the house. They feed on moisture and organic waste.

What Are The Signs Of Black Worms In The Bathrooms?

Drain flies are the initial indicator that your home has drain worms. The adults must be travelling nearby since drain flies develop from drain worms. Even though they prefer the night, drain flies occasionally emerge during the day. On the walls during the day, if you look closely, you can see them.

Signs Of Black Worms In The Bathroom

If you notice black larvae worms in the sink or bathroom, you may also have drain worms. These washbasin worms are typically found close to the drain opening in the washbasin or shower because they don’t like to stray too far from their source.

Small worms can also be seen in the bathtub along the drain or in other locations with cracks where they can spawn. Sticky tape should be placed close to the drain if you’re unsure whether there are any drain worms present. When the worms crawl on it, they will stick to it, making them visible to you.

Steps To Get Rid Of Black Worms

If you have a black worm infestation, you must plan for a long-term cleaning remedy. It’s possible that the major source of these worms isn’t in your toilet. New generations of black worms will be hatching virtually every day since drain flies breed so quickly.

1) Inspect And Clean All The Drain systems

 Inspect And Clean All The Drain systems

Drains partially or completely clogged gather dirt and organic materials such as hair, fungi, or fur. The first thing you should do is see if your drain is completely or partially clogged. Remove the drain cover and clean any debris from it.

Using a toothbrush or other equipment would be beneficial. Pour half a gallon of water down the drain and observe how quickly it drains.

If that’s the case, try using a plunger to clear the clog. De-clogging your drain isn’t always as simple. In such instances, you should seek the assistance of a professional plumber. They can swiftly and safely clean the drain.

2) Use Natural Ingredients To Kill Worms

 Use Natural Ingredients To Kill Worms

Although it may be tempting to use a drain cleaner or drain opener, we strongly advise against it. The strong chemical has the potential to corrode and harm your pipes. Boiling water, on the other hand, can cause materials to break. Rather, pour a large amount of very hot water down the drain.

Pour a cup of white vinegar into the drain to kill any worms or larvae. Baking soda is a multi-purpose substance used for various purposes around the house. One of these reasons is to eliminate black worms.

3) Go For a Biodegradable Cleaning Method


Consider employing an enzyme drain cleaning product if you use environmentally friendly, biodegradable methods. To clear obstructions in your drain, they use environmentally safe enzymes. They eat away at the organic material clogging the pipes and erode the blockage with a non-toxic monosodium sulfate acid.

4) Treat Your Toilet For Black Worms

 Treat Your Toilet For Black Worms.

Because it is a naturally damp habitat, cleaning black worms in the toilet might be difficult. Turn off your toilet’s shut-off valve. It’s most commonly found on the tank’s water supply pipe. Allow the tank to run dry before flushing. Flush twice if necessary.

Then, repeat the abovementioned steps using warm water, baking soda, vinegar, or ammonia. Allow these natural cleaners to perform their magic within the bowl and tank, then flush with a few buckets of hot water added to the tank.

5) Target The Black Worm’s Breeding Areas

After the present worms have died, you can focus on removing their breeding grounds. First, remove any stagnant dirty water from your home or sewage system. After that, brush the drain’s sides with hot water.

 Target The Black Worm’s Breeding Areas

As a preventative step, you can work on the affected drain or all of the drains in your home. Black worms thrive in bathroom tiles that have been damaged. To prevent flies from putting their eggs there, repair or fill them with cement as soon as feasible.

After the present worms have died, you can focus on removing their breeding grounds. First, remove any stagnant dirty water from your home or sewage system.

After that, brush the drain’s sides with hot water. As a preventative step, you can work on the affected drain or all of the drains in your home.

6) Use Hot Water

 Use Hot Water.

Pour hot water down the drain after putting some water down the shower drain to check it is functioning properly. You risk damaging your bathroom drains by pouring boiling water directly down the shower drain. Use hot water that has been cooled to exterminate any drain flies below.

7) Use Mild Drain Cleaners


To get rid of any black worms in abandoned drains, pour a cup of white vinegar through the drain stopper. Additionally, you may prevent drain flies from settling in filthy drains by pouring a cap of bleach down the drain. Another natural drain cleaner that removes black worms from your drains is a mixture of baking soda, white vinegar, and salt.

Combined, vinegar, salt, and baking soda will kill the black worms in the shower drain.

8) Install Fans For Proper Ventilation

Install Fans For Proper Ventilation

Think about installing fans if you don’t already have them. It is the most reliable method for eliminating black worms from the bathroom. Remember that they are drawn to damp areas, whether the faucet is always running or the busy, often-used shower.

To prevent watermarks and stagnant pools, we have already indicated that you should wipe off the walls and sinks. However, you can utilize a timed fan that begins to run after each bath or shower. Any surplus moisture or water vapor will be drawn out. AC or a dehumidifier are other options.


Finding little black worms in your bathroom is never fun, but this insect infestation isn’t the worst. Even though drain worms aren’t harmful, it’s still a good idea to deal with the problem as soon as you see it. In an ideal situation, you’ll completely handle the issue and maintain a close check on it as it progresses.

Keep your plumbing, bathroom, and environment dry to eliminate those small black creepy crawlies. You can ensure that these small insects will depart and never return by making your bathroom uninhabitable.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.