Are you dreading the onset of winter? Well, if you’ve got a garage in your home, we can help. We’ve put together some tips for making sure that even if the snow piles up and all you want to do is curl up on the couch with a movie and a blanket, you’ll still be able to make the most of your garage over the winter.
If you don’t have a garage at home and are looking for somewhere to store your car, you can rent parking spaces in Boston. This is a great way to keep your car safe and secure when you’re at work and don’t want to pay for risky street parking with an expensive hourly parking meter.
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Check the heating system in your garage
Before you can do anything else, you need to make sure your heating system is working properly. Check the thermostat, fuse box and ducts for damage. If you find any problems with these systems, call in a professional to fix them.
If everything is in good working order, move on to checking the vents. Make sure they’re cleaned out so they’re not clogged up with debris or even bird nests; this will help heat flow more efficiently throughout your garage space.
Fix cracks in the garage walls
If you notice a crack in the wall, seal it with filler or caulk. For bigger cracks, fill in any gaps using caulk or masonry cement (a mixture of Portland cement and sand). Once it’s dry, apply a second layer to fill in larger holes.
Make sure to do this before the frost comes – frost can widen cracks in your walls so be sure to tend to them before the bad weather sets in.
Check the winter emergency gear in your car
If you have an emergency kit in your car, it’s time to check the contents and make sure everything is in working order. This will ensure that you are prepared if an emergency strikes while driving.
The kit should contain:
- Jumper cables
- A spare tire and jack
- Tire pressure gauge
Organize the contents of your garage
The next step in preparing your garage for winter is to organize the contents of your garage by function. You may have some items that are only used once or twice a year and can be stored in boxes in another room of your house—or even outside, if it’s accessible.
For example, if you only use your lawnmower once or twice a year, put it away until next summer. Anything that you use on a regular basis should go on hooks or shelves where they’re easy to reach but out of the way when not needed (you’ll want to make sure these shelves are secure so they don’t get knocked over).
Now is also a good time to pack away any summer things you won’t be using for the next few months. You won’t be needing your deckchair or parasol for a while, so put it to the back of the garage out of the way, and leave everything you need where you can easily get to it!
If possible, keep commonly-accessed tools near an entrance door so that they won’t get buried under snow drifts. For example, you’ll want to keep your snow shovel within easy reach so you can clear your paths when the first snowfall comes!
Get out everything you need easy access to over the winter
The most important thing to remember is that you need to be able to get things out of your garage quickly. If it takes a long time for you to find the items you need, then your garage will end up being more of a burden than anything else. The best way to avoid this problem is by organizing things in ways that make sense and are easy for you, so that when winter comes around and the temperature drops, everything will still be organized enough for you not to have any trouble getting what you need out of there.
If there’s one thing about organizing our garages that we can all relate with is that sometimes it seems like there are never enough shelves or hooks! The solution: get creative!
You don’t always have room for something new—but maybe if those old toys from when your kids were little weren’t sitting on top of those shelves which now hold tools? Maybe if those old gardening gloves weren’t stuffed into one corner along with old gardening equipment just waiting for someone who might use them again someday?
Well… having a clear out of unused items would open up some much-needed space underneath where all those other items could be stored safely until they’re needed next year (or whenever).
Put your car’s winter tires on
You should apply your winter tires by the end of October. You’ll want to put them on before the first snowfall, which can be a bit tricky if it starts before that date, so this is why it’s important to prepare early.
If you’re ready to install your winter tires, make sure they are in good shape and have been properly stored (not in direct sunlight or heat). If you’re unsure whether or not they need replacing, contact a professional for advice on what brand/model would work best for you.
If you’ve got some extra time on your hands, now would be a great time to do some routine tire maintenance! This will keep everything running smoothly throughout the colder months.
Similarly, get ready for winter by checking that your tires are properly inflated and your windshield wipers are in good condition. Finally, make sure that all of your lights are working properly so that you can see where you’re going on those foggy mornings! You need to make sure your car is winter-ready as soon as there’s a sign of bad weather.
Check your garage door
Consider taking a look at your garage door. If it’s old or damaged in any way, it might be time to consider a new one. While replacing the door will cost some money up front, you’ll be glad you did when you don’t have to worry about broken springs or other damages caused by bad weather conditions.
When winter comes around, it’s important to prepare your garage so that you can keep your car safe and ready for whatever weather comes. By following these tips, we hope you have a smooth transition into the season!