Objective: The main objective of this survey job is to survey an area by chain survey across obstacles and calculate the obstructed lengths in that ar...
Read more To survey an area by chain survey across obstacles and to calculate the obstructed lengths.- Attic
- Basement
- Bathroom
- Bedroom
- Cabinets
- Carpentry
- Ceiling
- Cleaning
- Closets
- Concreting
- Countertops
- Decking
- Dining Room
- Doors
- Drainage System
- Driveway
- Fence
- Fireplace
- Flooring
- Furniture
- Garage
- Gardening
- Grill
- Home Decor
- Inspections
- Insulations
- Kitchen
- Laundry Rooms
- Lawn
- Lighting
- Living Room
- Masonry
- Painting
- Pathways & Sidewalks
- Patio
- Pest control
- Plumbing
- Porch
- Roofing
- Sheds
- Siding
- Smart Homes
- Solar panels
- Stairs
- Tiling
- Walls
- Windows
- Yards
- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
It is a surveying instrument and angle-measuring device which is used in the field. The working of prismatic compass is based on the magnetic bearing ...
Read more Prismatic Compass – Parts, Uses, Adjustments- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
In this article, the discussion is about the errors that can take place during compass surveying. Firstly, we will discuss the errors and then how to ...
Read more Errors in Compass Surveying- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
Objective: The primary objective of this job is to determine the area of a given polygon by chain and cross-staff survey. Apparatus: Two chains Arrows...
Read more Determination of area of given polygon by chain & cross-staff survey- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
Objective: The primary objective of this job is to locate various objects in the field by chain and cross-staff. Apparatus: Two chains Arrows Ranging ...
Read more Locating various object by chain & cross staff survey- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
Aim: To run a survey line across an obstacle obstructing both ranging and chaining using chain survey technique. Equipment and Accessories: Chain, tap...
Read more To run a survey line across an obstacle- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
Aim: To conduct the chain survey closed traverse around a building and plot the existing building. Equipment and Accessories: Chain, Tape, Arrows, Ran...
Read more To conduct the chain survey closed traverse around a building and plot the existing building.- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
Construction Of A Regular Pentagon Aim: To construct a regular pentagon of given sides using tape or chain and other accessories. Instruments Required...
Read more To construct a regular pentagon of given sides using tape.- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
Objective: The primary aim of this survey job is to set out perpendiculars at various points on a given line. Apparatus: Cross staff Optical square Ar...
Read more Setting out of perpendiculars at various points on given line- Farhan Khan
- April 24, 2021
Objective: The main objective of this job is to measure the distance between two points using direct ranging. Apparatus: Chain Arrows Fiber glass tape...
Read more To measure distance between two points using direct ranging