How High Can Driveway Gates Be

How High Can Driveway Gates Be
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: August 31, 2022
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

When installing a high-end gate feature, the thought of requesting planning approval may be enough to turn homeowners away. You need not fear, though, as a gateway that complies with planning requirements can be built regardless of your financial situation or gate specification preferences.

Gathering all the information you need before installing a driveway gate on your home is crucial to ensure it’s customized to your family’s needs. Most common driveway gates range in width from 12 to 24 feet.

However, depending on the size of your property, driveway gates for residential homes can be any size, between nine and twelve feet. It’s crucial to consider the size of the cars that will be traveling through. Additionally, if your driveway is curved, you might need a bigger gate to give cars plenty of room to turn and prevent running into it.

Factors That Affect The Height Of Driveway Gates

Several variables will affect the gate’s height. The first item to look for is any height restrictions imposed by your local city on gates and fences. Another factor to consider is any existing columns or walls that will be right near your gate.

Although it’s not required, it will give you a more uniform appearance if you match the gate height to your column. However, a significant difference will make the column appear less in harmony with the gate. Slightly higher or shorter can look fine.

The gate’s intended destination is another thing to think about. Short gates could be dwarfed by a large house, while tall gates might look out of place next to a ranch-style house. A large gate will be more visible and less likely to blend into the landscape if it is far from the house and stands alone.

Ultimately, a question of personal taste will determine the gate’s height. Not all models are available in the same heights and widths, so look thoroughly before selecting a gate.

Things To Consider Before Choosing A Driveway Gate

Your home’s exterior can be improved by adding a gate at the end of the driveway, which will also limit access. With so many driveway gate possibilities, going with a bespoke gate gives you the freedom to pick the one that best suits your interests.

Gate Design

Consider whether you want a single or double gated entrance when creating your gate. A double gate will seem more dramatic, but a single gate will be less expensive. A double gate is frequently ideal for wide driveways as well.

Decide if you want the gate you select to give you privacy or if it will only be used to impose access restrictions on your house. You might request that your custom gate manufacturer pick a sturdy material and design if you want the gate to offer privacy.

Gate Height

It would help if you also thought about the gate’s height. While some people might prefer massive gates that give off a majestic appearance when visitors stop by, others could want something more understated. Choose a size that fits your budget because the larger the gate is, the more you may expect to pay for it.

Inquire with the homeowner’s association if your community has one to learn about any limitations on the kinds of gates you are permitted to install. Some individuals set restrictions on the width, color, style, and size of gates to ensure they are all uniform throughout the area.

The HOA may demand that you pay fines or replace your gate if it does not follow the rules.

Gate Material

Steel, aluminum, or wrought iron can be used to make gates. The price can vary substantially depending on the material you decide to use to build the fence. A distinctive gate can be made by combining all the components.

Wrought iron has an exquisite appearance that some people enjoy, but others prefer the affordability or appearance of other materials. Choose whether you want your gate to open manually or automatically. A motorized gate is popular because it is simple to use.

Activating the gate without getting in and out of your car in the rain can be convenient.

Maintenance Of Gate

Maintenance is relatively little for steel or iron gates. They can be maintained by giving them a warm, soapy water wash. However, considerable care is necessary for wooden gates, usually once a year. To help protect the wood from the elements, hardwood gates can be coated with UV-protective varnish.

Clean them once a year, lightly sand them down, then apply another coat to keep them looking new and lengthen their lifespan. Aluminum gates are a good option if you want a wooden appearance with the least maintenance. They can appear like wood, but you don’t have to treat them.


Most of your gate height will depend on personal taste, the style you are going for, and whether city codes impose any height restrictions. Consider having the gate alarm installed if you live in a neighborhood prone to break-ins so that you will be alerted if anyone tries to tamper with it.

If someone tries to open the gate or climb over it without your permission, various alarms will notify you and the authorities. Your family and home can be protected with the aid of these security measures.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.