How To Stop Car Bottoming Out On Driveway

How To Stop Car Bottoming Out On Driveway
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: September 1, 2022
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

Driveways can harm cars, especially ones with little ground clearance, even if they are designed to make accessing and leaving a property easier. The curb between the roadway and the driveway can occasionally be rather steep and rolling.

If your driveway has a steep entrance, you’ve previously experienced scrapes on your car’s front end. Fixing or hiding these can be very expensive. This article will explain how to stop your automobile from bottoming out on your driveway or over-speed bumps and how it harms your car.

We tried to arrange them from easiest to most difficult, but we also wanted to ensure you had all the logical choices.

Ways To Stop Car Bottoming Out On Driveway

A curb ramp works well for the majority of driveways. A curb ramp is a bridge connecting the driveway to the street, making it much easier to enter or exit the driveway. A ramp can be custom-built, although it is rather expensive.

Usually, an already-built curb ramp is all you need to make your driveway sufficiently inclined.

Focus On Approaching Angle On Driveway

Approaching a speed bump or your driveway at a 45°angle will prevent your car from bottoming out and won’t cost you any money. Because only a portion of the automobile’s total weight is applied to the surface when driving over a speed bump or driveway culvert, the car is much less likely to bottom out.

It may seem apparent to slow down the car, but we felt it was worth mentioning for all of you speed devils out there. Focus on slowing down when you approach the driveway if you don’t have the time or desire to modify your car or your driveway’s bottom.

The weight of your car’s load and the pressure it puts on the springs can be greatly increased by things like a completely loaded trunk, stuff in the rear seat, and people.

Things like a fully loaded trunk, a full tank of gas, items in the back seat, and passengers can significantly increase the weight of your car’s load and the pressure it places on the springs.

Place Gutter Bridges

There may be a street gutter, so your automobile may be bottoming out at the end of your driveway. You might not be able to insert a curb ramp due to the design of the gutter or the laws in your city.

A great solution in these circumstances might be a gutter bridge. This curb ramp may work well if you decide to get one. As it fits over your gutter and allows water to flow freely underneath, it won’t affect how well it functions.

Using a wooden board, wooden gutter bridges are easy to construct and install. They entail laying the plank over the gutter on your driveway. To maintain the strength of the wood, try to use thick, heavy-duty wood that can support a heavy load.

Wooden gutter bridges have the drawback that they frequently shatter and splinter over time and do not last very long.

Invest In Quality Springs

Your car will bottom out when you drive over a speed bump at the end of a driveway because low-quality springs tend to collide with one another and compress. This is because the spring load is very low; if you bottom out significantly, you might need to replace the springs.

Occasionally, other parts might need to be replaced depending on the level of damage. High-quality springs are stiffer when driving over a rough surface and reduce bouncing. To avoid bottoming out and needing to replace springs frequently, it is advised to invest a little more money on better quality springs.

Focus On The Quality Of Shock Absorbers

When you drive over a bumpy surface, a car with poor shock absorbers may be likelier to bottom out. Shock absorbers do just what their name suggests—they tame the force of your springs.

If you haven’t changed your shock absorbers in a while, they could not be functioning correctly anymore. To avoid bottoming out, it is important to assess the quality and performance of your car’s shock absorbers.

Use An Inexpensive Rubber Mat

Use a cheap rubber mat, such as one from a gym or locker room, to stop your car from bottoming out on your driveway. Rubber mat elevates your car off the pavement when you drive over the bottom area of the driveway, offering shock absorption and cushioning.

Even if the color doesn’t fit nicely, a rubber mat may not be the most aesthetically beautiful thing to put down on your driveway, but it works and can be taken out if you relocate.

Inspect Car Suspension

There might be an issue with the suspension system if your car frequently bottoms down on driveways. When traveling across various surfaces, your car’s suspension system is crucial for maintaining the level.

It can lead to frequent bottoming out if it’s not working properly. You might want to ask your mechanic to examine the suspension system in this situation.

Bottom Line

The simplest and least expensive of the three options is purchasing a curb ramp. The majority of steep driveways can be overcome with a curb ramp. Using suspension springs of superior quality that can adequately support the vehicle’s weight, you can prevent your automobile from bottoming out due to suspension.

The ride height can also be raised, heavy objects can be removed from the vehicle, and speed bumps can be approached cautiously.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.