How Rainfall in Frederick MD can Affect your Roofs and Gutters

Rainfall in Frederick MD can Affect your Roofs and Gutters
  • Author: Mohsin Khan
  • Posted On: August 10, 2022
  • Updated On: July 10, 2023

Frederick, MD, features a mild climate with rainfall year-round. The average rainfall accumulation for Frederick County is 43 inches per year, which is a bit higher than the national average of 38 inches.

Hence, rain management is at the forefront for many homeowners. Ensuring that you have reliable gutters and roofing is your best line of defense from excess moisture, which can lead to foundation damage, water damage, and the softening of building materials.

So, today we’re going to discuss how rainfall in Frederick, MD, can affect your roofs and gutters.

Overload Your Gutters

Gutters can become overloaded during torrential downpours. This can occur as a direct effect of just too much water flowing through them or when they are clogged with dirt, leaves, and other debris. In fact, rain is the number one reason that gutters overflow, but this, if left untreated, can damage both your siding and roof.

Your home’s gutter system is designed to handle rainwater, but too much can weaken the materials and cause them to sag or break under the pressure. Rather than allowing your gutters to be destroyed, hire gutter cleaning services six times per year at your Frederick, MD, home.

Attract Pests and Mold

Regardless of where it’s at, excess water around your home will lead to mold growth inside of your walls. And once inside of a home, mold can pose severe health risks such as trouble breathing, itchy or red eyes, and wheezing.

Yet, it doesn’t stop there! Excess rainwater can also attract pest infestations. Since bugs and other pests look for dry areas to hide during storms, they often find shelter by burrowing inside your home, where they will remain until an exterminator evicts them.

Common pests in Frederick, MD, include ants, cockroaches, termites, and mice, so keep this in mind if you notice water damage on your home.

Roof Leaks and Staining

In Maryland, the combination of high winds, extreme temperature fluctuations, and the excess rainfall can damage your roof and leave your home unprotected against the next bad storm.

With the extra weight of heavy rains, your roof becomes more vulnerable. Eventually, the lack of protection leads to leaks, stains, and the chance of experiencing significant damage.

However, roof leaks do not just lead to cosmetic damage to your ceiling and walls; they also contribute to mold and mildew growth. If you notice any water damage in your home or business, it’s best to schedule an inspection right away.

Rotting Wood

Roof flashing and shingles are designed to keep water out of structures. However, over time the flashing and shingles can become damaged and unable to properly keep your home dry. And heavy rains, every day, such as those we get in Frederick, MD, put your home at even greater risk.

When this rainwater finally penetrates your roof’s outermost protective layer, the moisture will begin seeping into the wood trusses that support your roof and the walls inside your home.

Wood that’s left wet will rot and grow mold, and wood rot is one of the top causes of structural damage. Sadly, most homeowners don’t identify wood rot until it’s too late. For this reason, this is a good thing to look for when scheduling your regular gutter cleaning, so nothing is left to chance.

Damaged Flashings

Frederick, MD, is no stranger to hail storms. These types of storms concern many Maryland homeowners, leading them to do inspections each time one occurs. And this is great, but they often forget to check the flashing or thin weather-proofing material between the roof and the chimneys, vent pipes, and skylights.

Though flashings are installed using sealant to prevent leaks, this sealant can become damaged after being subjected to heavy rain and hail. Hence, it’s vital that you also inspect the flashing on your home after severe storms.

The Bottom Line

Frederick, MD, receives more rainfall than the average U.S. city, so be sure to keep a close eye on your roof and gutters to ensure they are properly protecting your home from the elements.

Remember to schedule professional gutter cleaning services regularly and check your home each time there’s been a severe storm with heavy rain or hail. Ultimately, checking your home and fixing any damages immediately is the best way to ensure that your home remains sturdy and free of major issues!

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Author: Mohsin Khan

Mohsin has worked as one of the experienced editors with ConstructionHow since 2020 with a total span of 5 years of experience in business PR, boasting a remarkable professional trajectory, he has collaborated with entrepreneurs and startups, and certain publications over the last few years. His unwavering interest lies in the construction industry and related materials. He believes in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing buildings, and homes that fall under the right budget. With a wide range of experience in construction, he also tapped into DIY and home improvement projects based on his extensive set of knowledge in the industry.


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