How To Fix A Sagging Roof?

How To Fix A Sagging Roof?
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: September 11, 2021
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

A sagging roof can cause by a variety of circumstances, ranging from excessive weight to improper installation. A brand-new roof should be level, with flat, straight surfaces that allow dirt and water to drain quickly. There are several reasons behind the sagging roof, such as your roof age.

While a tiny amount of sagging isn’t usually an emergency, it does indicate you should act swiftly to have the problem fixed before your home’s stability is exposed.

Your roof is your home’s most vital protector, and it can’t do its job correctly if it sags. Various factors can cause a sagging roof, and our roofing repair professionals can walk you through how to fix each one. We are here to tell you how to fix a sagging roof on your own but know when it’s time to call in a professional.

Reasons Behind The Sagging Roof

Even if you’ve done everything you can over the years to keep your roof in good shape, time will eventually catch up with it and cause it to droop. In other circumstances, your roof may not be that old, but it suffered from numerous large storms in the last year. To be able to repair a sagging roof, you must first understand why it is drooping. Here are some of the most common causes of sagging roofs:

1) Flooding Or water Damages

Although roofs have a proper structure to drain water efficiently, flooding or strong rainstorms can harm the Roof’s structure over time. Moisture might sneak into the support structure if you have a faulty gutter system or damaged shingles that obstruct the passage of water.

Moreover, Roof’s condition, lower-quality materials, and a damaged or sinking foundation are other causes of a sagging roof. You can call the professional team and contractors to schedule a consultation if you need assistance determining the cause of your sagging Roof.

2) Low-Quality Material

If your roof is built with inferior materials or installed by an inexperienced roofer, you may notice drooping sooner than you intended. Your roof may sag under its own weight if the roof you place or joint the rafters appropriately.

3) Excess Weight And Lower Structure

Snowfalls might cause excess weight along the roof. The structure will give way when snow sits on the roof for lengthy periods, especially in cold climes. Every roof is built to sustain a particular weight; anything heavier than that causes the roof to sag.

Dips in the roof may also cause structural difficulties. The culprits are poor design and construction. When the roof’s structural components are damaged, the roof may sag. Dips in the roof can also cause failures in the roof’s supporting structures, such as the property’s walls. Keep in mind that older roofs are more inclined to slump.

How To Deal With sagging Or Dropping Roof?

Because repairing a sagging roof is a big task, you’ll want to make sure you know what you’re doing to avoid significant problems or a shoddy job. An inspection is required to determine why your roof is drooping and what is causing it to droop. This crucial phase can assist you in assessing the damage and budgeting for materials.

If your roof is drooping, it could be due to damaged trusses or rafters that you should repair immediately. The cost of the repair will determine according to the amount of the damage. Unfortunately, the rates may be a little bit higher if there are structural issues. However, if only a few panels require repairing services, the cost may be reduced.

1) Remove The Snowfall

Clear the roof of snowfall if it sags due to heavy snowfall. To clear lighter snow, use a roof rake. Snow removal done incorrectly can cause roof damage, water damage, and more sagging. When faced with heavy snowfall, consider hiring roofing professionals.

A roof that has been constructed appropriately should be able to support its own weight. Design errors, on the other hand, can cause weight-related roof dips. You can solve inappropriate sheathing by replacing the protective layer with a new and thicker sheet.

2) Handle The Joists To Eliminate The Structural Issues

Structural difficulties and subsequent sagging along the roof happened because of inappropriate joists. You can remedy these issues and difficulties by repairing the joists and filling the gaps. Make sure to inspect the flashing for damage during the installation procedure of new joists or cavities.

Tree roots near the foundation may potentially cause it to sink. Soil shrinkage occurs as a result of the roots absorbing moisture close to the foundation. The base will eventually droop or wavy, resulting in a sinking or wavy roof. To begin repairing the dropping roof, remove the tree roots near the foundation.

3) Hire A Professional

If you don’t know how to handle the sagging roof, nothing would be a better option than asking professional contractors for help. Considering a roofing professional is the best option if you have any worries about your ability to repair a sagging roof on your own or having problems doing it yourself.

No doubt, it would be difficult to accomplish the task satisfactorily and safely unless you had extensive experience restoring drooping roofs. Ideally, an expert can efficiently complete the task while saving you money and time in the long run.

Experienced roofers know precisely what materials and tools are required to complete the job effectively. So, let them repair the dropping roof on your behalf efficiently.

Final words

If you think you cannot fix the sagging roof yourself, a professional roofer can ensure to offer the proper procedures using skill and high-quality materials. Following the repair, it’s a good idea to have your roof inspected at least once a year.

If you still want to treat the dropping roof yourself, get help and guidelines from the discussed points. Hopefully, these points are more than enough for an average individual to fix the sagging roof himself.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.


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