How to Hang an Aerial Hammock from Ceiling?

How To Hang Aerial Hammock From Ceiling?
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: January 10, 2022
  • Updated On: October 11, 2023

Many people are intrigued by the idea of aerial yoga, especially after spending so much time on the mat. However, one of the most important things to remember when beginning your at-home aerial yoga workout is that you will be using various equipment, the majority of which will be a yoga swing or aerial hammock.

These pieces of equipment are critical to your anti-gravity yoga routine; without them, you wouldn’t be able to practice; yet, it may be disastrous if they aren’t placed properly. But you know what it calls for? A strong ceiling type.

The good news is that it’s quite easy, and many of us already have yoga swings swinging from our living room ceilings or even in a doorway. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about at-home aerial rigging so you can make an informed decision before buying.

Easy Steps to Hang an Aerial Hammock from Beam Ceiling

Contrary to popular belief, not all aerial hammocks can be hung from different ceilings. Ceiling beams are more supportive and sturdy in comparison to bear the extra weight.

Safety First

Safety must always come first in any sport, especially aerial sports! Consider this: you’ll be swinging from a metal frame or fabric suspended from the ceiling.

The fact that you won’t be able to train will be the least of your concerns. As you move about, the yoga swing will be taking all of your body weight, which puts much strain on the equipment, no matter how heavy or light you are.

If it isn’t properly secured, you run the chance of falling, which could put you out of commission and prevent you from participating in your favorite sport. When it comes to hanging a yoga swing from the ceiling, it’s critical to choose a solid beam that hasn’t been weakened by termites, weather, or ordinary wear and tear.

Measure Ceiling Height

If you’re going to utilize your aerial rigging indoors, make sure to take accurate measurements of your ceiling to ensure that it will fit comfortably in your space. Consider how much height you’ll need to do inversions with nothing in your way properly. You don’t want to smack your head against the wall and put a dent in the new drywall you added after home renovation, right?

If you purchase a yoga swing without ceiling mounts, you can pick exactly the brackets, hooks, screws, and bolts that you need.

This also allows you to chat with your local hardware assistant and ask them any questions you might have, such as the drill bits you’ll need for the type of material you’ll be drilling in, such as concrete or wood.

Adapt the Ariel to the Workout Pattern

Whether you’re looking for more permanent fixtures for your home, think about how you’ll install them, whether it’ll be a DIY project or if you’ll require professional assistance. Is multi-discipline rigging required? Is it possible that you’ll use your hammock rigging for other aerial sports like hoops or silks in the future?

If you’re going to spin, you’ll probably need some more parts for your rigging setup. It would be best to determine what your rigging will be used for.

Install Ceiling Plate for Better Suspension

You’ll need to install a ceiling plate or an eye bolt now that you’ve selected a sturdy beam. You’ll need to know which type of swing you have or plan to order at this point.

Additionally, you’ll need two suspension points if you don’t have an appropriate spring system, which means two ceiling plates or eye bolts. The two suspension points should be around hip-width apart.

If you’re using eye bolts, make sure they’re thick. Ensure that they are put vertically into the beam, not at an angle. If you’re using a ceiling plate, make sure it’s in the middle of the beam so that all four screws run straight through. This stage should also be done with the help of a professional for ease of work.

Consider Weight Capacity

Weight capacity is determined by how you intend to utilize the stand; for normal home workouts, it is less important. However, if you plan to do any doubles poses or use it for commercial purposes, you’ll need a stand that can withstand more weight.

Check to see if your new aerial yoga hammock rigging comes with a manufacturer’s guarantee, which ensures that if any parts fail, they will be repaired or replaced at no cost to you.

Remember, this isn’t just standard home gym equipment; you’re entrusting your body’s suspension to this gear! You can’t afford to take any chances.

Use Frame Bars

The most frequent technique to hang a yoga swing at home is a door frame bar. It takes only ten minutes to install one, and you don’t need to be a handyman or experienced carpenter to do it.

It’s sturdy enough to hold a yoga swing or hammock, and it’s a lot less expensive than buying a big frame. You can also use it to strengthen your upper body by using it as a pull-up bar.

Ceiling hooks are another quick and economical way to hang your yoga swing. As a result, it’s a sturdy technique to suspend your aerial yoga swing. You’ll need to figure out where the strongest part of your ceiling is, which is usually an I-beam or a strong joist.

This method of erecting an aerial yoga hammock necessitates some effort. On the other hand, Ceiling hooks offer a long-term option for continuing to practice aerial yoga for years to come.


Some professionals have found that joists cannot be securely strung depending on the size of your room and the surrounding structure. Others have built supports to bolster them, allowing them to hold the weight of swinging, jumping humans.

While doing aerial yoga in the comfort of your own home can be a great way to get in as much practice as you want, it’s also critical to remember that safety comes first. If you have any doubts about hanging a yoga swing, you should always hire an expert.

Many critical safety considerations must be made, including the ceiling’s strength, height and the quality of your equipment.


  • Where can I Hang Aerial Hammock?
    You can hang an aerial hammock on the exposed beam ceiling (whether its inside the house or at the patio), or a tree branch outside in the garden.
  • What Type of Ceiling Supports Aerial Hammock?
    Aerial hammocks can be hung on flat or beam ceilings for more support. They are easier to hang and have a long-lasting support.
  • How High Should an Aerial Hammock be Hung?
    A standard 4-yard aerial hammock should be hung at a height between 9 - 10 foot if you want the bottom of the hammock to reach your hip height.
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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.