How To Wallpaper Stairs And Landing

How To Wallpaper Stairs And Landing
  • Author: Amanda Arnold
  • Posted On: January 31, 2022
  • Updated On: August 21, 2023

Are you thinking about adding the wallpapers to the stairs and landing? It’s not as difficult as you may believe. The entrance area consists of a stairwell, landing, and hallway in many homes. This is the first thing guests, and visitors see, and it shapes their opinion of a home or business.

Furthermore, residents walk up and down the stairs daily. Wallpaper does not have to be limited to the four walls of a room. The stairwell can also be a terrific place to let our inner artist out.

Corridors and stairwells are frequently overlooked within the home. However, if you make the most of them by using fashionable patterns and prints, they may completely transform your room. When selecting wallpaper for your stairs, avoid patterns that require matching.

On the other hand, Staircases are typically treated as second-class citizens, with only woodchip wallpaper, paint, or textured plastering used to decorate them. However, you could do more with this area and include it into your entire living plan.

Steps To Wallpaper Stairs And Landing

To figure out how much paper you’ll need, first measure the walls you’ll be papering: the downstairs hallway, upstairs landing, and stairwell. Our wallpaper calculator can help you with this. So, how do you take wallpaper measurements for a hallway and landing?

It isn’t as difficult as you might believe. Divide the stairwell wall into two portions of the upper and downstairs as two different rooms. Assume the upstairs skirting runs the length of the stairwell wall and take your measurements as usual.

Safety Is The First Consideration

When wallpapering a stairwell, the most crucial aspect is a safe working platform. Your stairwell and landing design will determine the type of platform you build. There are special stair ladders with an adjustable side that may rest on a different level. When wallpapering a stairwell, one of these is beneficial.

You can hire special stair access equipment if you don’t have enough ladders or boards or if you don’t feel comfortable with this arrangement. To rent a stair platform, contact a local tool rental provider.

Measure The Wallpaper

Make sure you arrange your route around any necessary alterations to the ladder set-up; you don’t want to end up leaning the ladder against the freshly hung paper. Start with the wall with the greatest drop if at all possible. Draw a line where your first sheet will be placed using a plumb line and a long, straight edge.

Choose The Color Wisely

Keep in mind the color scheme of the hallway around the stairwell. Decorate the hall or stairwells in a single color for maximum impact. The use of neutral, lighter colors helps emphasize the wallpaper details’ drama. For a striking entrance, choose geometric or abstract designs. Alternate between a painted and a wallpapered step.

Take advantage of this opportunity to be creative with your décor. Use the natural rising of the steps to your advantage by grading strong colors from dark at the bottom to light at the top. Set in a white hallway, this looks fantastic. Alternatively, you may create a visual feast by combining old linear papers.

Paste And Hang The Wallpaper

Take precise measurements of the drop, taking into account the angle of the skirting along the side of the stairs. Climb the ladder and ask your assistance to hand you the paper after you’ve pasted it and folded it back on itself. Line it up carefully before descending to smooth the rest and smooth the top.

If you need to paper above the point where the ladder meets the wall, you can hang the tops of two pieces before repositioning the ladder and smoothing down the bottoms.

Trim The Excessive Wallpaper

With caution, trim along the angled skirting, wrinkle the skirting edge with the point of a pair of scissors, then cut away the excess. If the wall has a railing or a banister, trim carefully around the fixings. With a pencil, mark the spot on the paper where you’ll need to cut it after it’s in place.

Cut the paper where you marked it with a sharp knife, then smooth it down around the fastening, making radial cuts where necessary to get the paper to sit flat around the rail support’s edge. After that, you can trim the paper flaps that aren’t needed. Do this until you reach a corner, then repeat on the opposite side of the longest drop until you reach the opposite corner.


A scaffold must be built to achieve a safe grip and stability when wallpapering the staircase. A second person is also required to assist. In our suggestion, this task is done by skilled specialists who will also provide the necessary equipment.

You can follow the discussed steps if you want to do it yourself. Furthermore, this form of treatment may not adhere to extremely smooth surfaces, absorbent, or repellent.

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Author: Amanda Arnold

Amanda has been working with ConstructionHow since 2021. Her experience spans over 5 years in the creative niche such as home decor and trends, landscaping, renovations, and custom architectural values. As a home designer expert, she has a keen eye for the latest home improvement trends with accurate facts that readers find impossible to ignore. Being invested in home-building trends is how she has gained her lucrative expertise exploring more to bring a positive ambiance for all homeowners (and even tenants!). Currently, she lives in a beautiful beach home, a source of fascination for her.