10 Tips To Tackle Common Pool Cleaning Challenges

10 Tips To Tackle Common Pool Cleaning Challenges
  • Author: Fazal Umer
  • Posted On: September 3, 2023
  • Updated On: September 3, 2023

Time to clean the pool? Yay! Or Nay. Well, if you agree with the latter, then we need to talk. Pool cleaning shouldn’t be a task of misery or something you’d rather put off for later. It’s an important task, and you should be excited to do it whenever the need arises. I mean, who doesn’t love a clean pool?

But hey, it’s easier said than done, we understand that sometimes cleaning your pool doesn’t seem like the most fun way to spend your day, and we understand why. 

Pool cleaning can come with its own set of challenges and difficulties, some which can seem complicated enough to not want to do it altogether. But there are ways around this, ways that will help you deal with those problems while making sure your pool is as spotless and inviting as a tropical lagoon!

But how do you achieve this? Well, keep on reading because today we’re bringing you ten top tips to tackle common pool cleaning challenges. Time to bid adieu to those pre-pool cleaning blues.

But before we dive right into these tips, let’s look at some of the possible challenges first.

Debris and Leaves

Whether it’s the wind blowing leaves and dirt into your pool, or your lawn-mowing sending grass shards drifting onto the water’s surface, you’re going to find debris in your pool at some point. If you leave this unwanted mess out there without regularly cleaning, you’re going to create greater problems in the long run.


  • Use a skimmer net to remove leaves, insects and debris from the water’s surface. You can also consider using a robotic pool cleaner, but make sure to check reviews like this Polaris P825 Robotic In-ground Pool Cleaner Review before buying one.
  • Install a pool cover when the pool is not in use.
  • Trim any nearby trees or bushes, and mow away from the pool.

Algae Growth

Algae can quickly grow in pools and around the vicinity, which may cause the water to turn green and make it dangerous for swimming.

If your children or pets get to this algae growth in and around the pool, it can cause some severe health problems, such as irritation of the skin, eye or throat, diarrhea, nausea, or allergic reactions. These risks can occur from even touching algae, ingesting would be a whole lot worse, with serious life-threatening repercussions.

Solution: Cleaning and safely disposing of this algae can be a tricky task. Brush and vacuum the pool walls and floors regularly to prevent the algae from sticking to the surfaces. 

Cloudy Water

Water in the pool can become cloudy because of improper chemical balance, poor filtration or a high bather load. Not only is cloudy water a pain to clean, the stress of restoring the balance and ensuring proper filtration can take a hit on your positivity and your wallet.

Solution: Maintain proper water chemistry and filtration. Regularly backwash or clean the filters to make sure everything is running smoothly!

Stains and Discoloration

Stains from minerals, leaves, debris or metal can affect the pool’s appearance. It can make it dirty, shabby and just turn the mood off for swimming. Even if other factors are in check, stains and discoloration of the pool floor can seriously impact the pool’s overall feel. 

Sometimes, regularly cleaning the pool does not even remove or erase the stains, it usually takes a thorough deep cleaning to get rid of such stains and discoloration.

Solution: Use stain removers and sequestering agents to get the stains out of the pool floor and around the vent. 

PH Imbalance

A pool with an imbalanced pH can be uncomfortable to swim in. It can also damage the pool equipment and other tools. There can be instances where cleaning a pool with a pH imbalance can ruin the pool cleaner itself.

Solution: Regularly test and adjust the pH levels using proper chemicals. The ideal pH range for a pool is generally between 7.4 and 7.6. 

Equipment Malfunctions

It is always possible pool equipment like pumps, filters and heaters can malfunction, affecting water circulation and cleanliness. And what good will cleaning your pool do if your pool itself is a hazard for your pool cleaning tools. No good at all. 

Solution: Regularly test and adjust the pH levels using proper chemicals. The ideal pH range for a pool is generally between 7.4 and 7.6.

Chlorine Management

Maintaining proper chlorine levels is crucial for water sanitation, but adding too much chlorine can lead to over-chlorination and affect the water’s cleanliness. Also, this oversaturation isn’t something that can be solved by cleaning the pool alone. 

Solution: Test and maintain proper chlorine levels, typically around 30-50 ppm. 

Water Evaporation

You can’t stop the sun from shining and beaming down on your pool. So when the sun is bright and gleaming and your pool is directly exposed to its burning glory, it can obviously lead to decreasing water levels and a chemical imbalance. Sadly, just cleaning the pool won’t help you tackle this inevitable challenge either. 

Solution: Use a pool cover to protect the pool during harsh sun exposure.

Improper Filtration

A clogged or inefficient pool filter can cause the water quality to fail drastically. And guess what? Regularly cleaning the pool despite having a bad filtration system in your pool, is not going to clean it at all.

Solution: A high-quality filtration system is going to do half the job for you! Make sure to have professional checkups every now and then to see if your filtration system is working properly in your pool. It can be difficult to check yourself since filtration systems are usually installed under water.  

Time Management

Let’s not dance around the fact that cleaning your pool can be time consuming. Especially during the summers, when you’re swimming pretty much every day. 

Solution: Set up a regular cleaning and maintenance schedule. Consider hiring a professional pool maintenance service if you’re unable to dedicate enough time and effort. 

Remember, prevention is often the key to tackling these challenges. Regular maintenance, proper chemical balance and using the right equipment can help keep your pool clean, safe and welcoming. 


How Can I Child Proof My Pool?

Ans: Having a pool in your home is really exciting, especially for children. But overlooking their safety can cause some serious accidents and dangers, so the best way to ensure your pool is safe for kids is to childproof it. Here are some tips to child proof your pool;

  • Teach kids to swim. This is the most important tip as it will not only help them keep safe in your pool, but also teach them a valuable skill which can come in handy in any water-based situation.
  • Pool fences work great for keeping kids and pets out of the pool.
  • Learning CPR is another valuable skill that must be learned for not only child proofing reasons, but a number of other crucial factors that could help save a life.
  • Let your kids and other adult members know the pool rules properly before you allow them in your pool or any other.
  • Safety drain covers for the win!
  • Install pool alarms that alert you whenever your kids or pet goes near the pool.
  • Keep your home stocked with essential pool safety equipment.

What Is The Most Common Safety Problem Seen At The Pool?

Ans: The most common safety issue encountered at the pool is a slippery pool vent or decking. 

How Can I Ensure My Dog Can Swim In The Pool?

Ans: Gradually introduce your puppy or dog to the water. Although they are natural swimmers, suddenly putting them in the pool can scare them and make the pool frightening for them. Let them explore the pool on their own, and get them a life vest or floatie when they seem ready to swim with you!

How Can I Keep My Diving Board Clean?

Ans: Spray or hose the diving board regularly with fresh water. Scrub the board with gentle cleaning soaps and a brush once a month, or bi-weekly if you find that the board becomes dirty quickly. Remember to clean and dry the board off properly before stepping on to it.  


We know that cleaning your pool isn’t child’s play and can sometimes be very challenging. Whether or not you clean your pool yourself or prefer somebody else to do it for you, such as a professional pool cleaning service, it’s important to keep the tips we mentioned above in mind.

Pool cleaning is essential and can be very exciting if you ensure a pool is safe and crystal clear once you have done!!

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Author: Fazal Umer

Fazal is a dedicated industry expert in the field of civil engineering. As an Editor at ConstructionHow, he leverages his experience as a civil engineer to enrich the readers looking to learn a thing or two in detail in the respective field. Over the years he has provided written verdicts to publications and exhibited a deep-seated value in providing informative pieces on infrastructure, construction, and design.


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