Standard Followed ASTM C 136 Objective Following are the objectives of performing sieve analysis on coarse and fine aggregates: To determine the parti...
Read more Sieve Analysis Of Coarse And Fine Aggregates- March 12, 2025
Standard Followed ASTM C 136 Objective Following are the objectives of performing sieve analysis on coarse and fine aggregates: To determine the parti...
Read more Sieve Analysis Of Coarse And Fine AggregatesIntroduction: The most important factor to be considered while choosing any type of material in construction is its compressive strength. The building...
Read more Determination of compressive strength of cement.Compacting factor test is performed using guidelines from past researches. However, BS 1881-103 has detailed the guidelines for performing the compact...
Read more To determine the workability of concrete mix of given proportion by compaction factor test.Introduction: The aggregates have different properties based on the type such as fine and the coarse aggregate types. The concrete mixture comprises o...
Read more To determine the specific gravity, void ratio, porosity and bulk density of given coarse and fine aggregates.Introduction: Fineness modulus is the average particle size present in any mixture. In a concrete mixture it determines the mixing ability and interlo...
Read more To determine the fineness modulus of given fine and coarse aggregates.Standard Used ASTM C-188 Objective This test aims at determining the specific gravity or relative density of cement which can then be compared with th...
Read more To determine the specific gravity of cementStandard Used ASTM C-191-13 Objective The objective of this test is to determine the initial and final setting time of cement which helps in determini...
Read more To determine the initial and final setting times for the given sample of cement.Related Theory In this lab, we will study the calculation of average rainfall through different methods. To calculate the average rainfall over a catc...
Read more Determination of Average Rainfall over a CatchmentINTRODUCTION Hydrology is the science that encompasses the occurrence, distribution, movement and properties of the waters of the earth and their rela...
Read more Meteorological Instruments Used In HydrologyWhat Is Cross Drainage Works? IRRIGATION STRUCTURES – 2 In an irrigation project, when the network of main canals, branch canals, distributaries, et...
Read more Cross drainage works